Notice of Nominations Received for 2020 AUSA Executive Positions
September 9, 2019All Lockers Must be Cleared
November 5, 2019AUSA Election Blurbs
BARTON, George

Nominator: Emily McDonald
Seconders: Emma Rogers, Samuel Snell
Kia ora whanau, my name is George and I’m running to be your next AUSA President for 2020.
I’m running because I have a vision of an AUSA that has your back at all times, in every sense.
I came on board as your Education VP this year under the Unf*ck AUSA 2019 team. I’ve been privileged to serve you in that role and now as Acting-President. Because of the mandate you gave us, we’ve dramatically reformed AUSA so that it has to listen to the Faculty, School and Representative Associations when it claims to speak on behalf of all students, so that it has to work with and not against our Clubs and Student Groups by funding them to deliver their events under the AUSA banner and so we’re focused on the important things – Free Exam Seminars for first years, telling the Uni that their Zero Tolerance aspiration isn’t good enough, bringing students together on Climate Change and getting students enrolled and voting in our local body elections.
If I am fortunate enough to be your next President, we will continue this path – making sure AUSA is consulting before representing, working with and not against clubs and focused on the important things: getting out the student vote in 2020, action on mental health and making AUSA the best it can be so we’ve got your back – from a great Orientation to fighting for your interests in the boardroom.
PAYNE, Daniel

Nominator: Jason Tran
Seconders: Sinaitakala Paunga, Kevin Saravanan
Kia Ora!
I’m Daniel, a second year Art History and French major, and I am running to be your Education Vice President for 2020! In this position, I would be the student representative voice on a bunch of different boards and decision-making bodies at the university. As students, we spend a lot of time at university, so I want to make sure that every person is getting the most from their time here.
In this role, I would love to continue with the fantastic work the AUSA has done this year and build on their successes. In this role, I would focus on creating clear communication channels between students and the university, ensuring diversity in representation, and the image of the class rep system.
I have a real passion and interest for advocacy and the empowerment of student and youth voices. I believe I have lots of experience working in not-for-profit organisations promoting civics, youth empowerment, and youth leadership. I think a big part of this role is encouraging and guiding others in these sorts of skills and education in this field, and I feel that I can provide this!

Nominator: Hamish Jelleyman
Seconders: Andrew Coffin, Jasmine Anderson-Baldwin
Kia Ora Koutou, my name is Sean Richards (he/him) and I want to be your next Education Vice-President!
Whenever I look around at our University, I’m reminded of the power of students to affect change. From the massive turnout at the Save our Libraries rallies, to the upcoming Climate Change Strike, we’ve got some serious people power behind us. I believe we can utilise that power to make real change at this University and beyond.
In my term as EVP, I would work with the University to put student wellbeing at the forefront of the Strategic Plan (did you know, it’s getting rewritten in 2020!), and work towards getting your voices heard by the University.
A little bit about me: I’ve sat on the Faculty of Science’s Postgraduate Student-Staff committee this year (and the Undergraduate committee in 2017), compiled a submission on the University’s rewriting of the Student Services Strategy on behalf of Postgraduate Physics, been a Class Rep 6-times over, and when I was in High School I sat on the school’s Board of Trustees. Next year I’m going to be working towards a Masters of Science in Physics, so look out for me around the Science buildings 😉
Ngā mihi nui, and make sure to #GetOutToVote!

Nominator: George Barton
Seconders: Emily McDonald, Hugo Thomlinson
Kia ora, My name is Emma, and I running for the role of Education Vice-President again! After being in the position a few months already, I have been able to use my passion for student voice to represent students on various committees, working groups, and panels. Within the role, I want to see the work I am currently part of (which includes providing consultation between students and the uni on crucial matters like the Code of Conduct) continued and expanded upon. What worked really well this year has been consultation through the AUSA established Student Council. I think the next step is to make sure Student Council is sustainable for the future, so we can continue to have a forum for student issues. As well as being the EVP for AUSA, I am the president of the Arts Students’ organisation. I love working as a student rep in both roles and enjoy meeting people who are just as passionate about issues students face as I am. My work has shown me that the right people in the right roles can make a difference. I believe I am the right person for this role – and I hope you do too!

Nominator: George Barton
Seconders: Emma Rogers, Samuel Snell
Kia ora, I’m Emily and I’m the current Engagement Vice President at AUSA and wish to be your Engagement Vice President again for 2020. My main reason for running for re-election is that there are so many things that we currently have in the works for 2020 that I’d love to continue to work on and see through. We’ve started so many great initiatives this year, such as the clubs tender for AUSA weeks and Free Exam Seminars for some of the biggest First Year Papers. These were both only piloted this year and still require some tweaks to ensure that they run as smoothly as possible and who better to ensure that than the person who already knows the most about these initiatives. So vote for me to be your Engagement Vice President for 2020.

Nominator: Samuel Snell
Seconders: Sophie Canning-Waddell, George Barton
Hi there, my name is Anamika and I am running for the role of Welfare Vice – President for 2020. While most of you may recognise me from hosting Bingo nights at Shadz, I am also the current Women’s Rights Officer at AUSA. Throughout my term as the WRO I have not only had the chance to settle into the role of being an exec member, but I have also had the opportunity to understand the general state of student well-being at the University and I can definitely see that there is more work to be done. If elected, I plan on working with the University to provide free sanitary products on campus in order to help end Period Poverty which is an issue faced by more than half of the student population. Secondly, in addition to the work that is currently being done, I want to focus on providing better education and resources which combat the growing issue of sexual harm and violence at the University. Finally, I hope to work closely with the elected WRO, QRO and ISO to ensure that the groups they respectively represent have the opportunity to have their voices heard in the hopes of putting the days of under representation of minority groups behind us.
GREEN, Rosie

Nominator: Helena Li
Seconders: Hyeon-Joo Kim, Merle Mahon
Hello lovely humans of UoA! My name is Rosie Maya Green (That’s not even a joke, it’s been my legal last name since I was born. But perfect, right??) and I want to be your 2020 AUSA Campaigns Officer. If the fortuitous name and picture of me slowly assimilating into a tree wasn’t enough of a hint – I’m all about that eco-life. This year I’ve had the absolute privilege of being the president of Sustainable Future Collective (SFC) and my passion for making change in the sustainability realm has only exploded.
Sustainability doesn’t just mean protecting the environment, although that’s a major step. It’s a multi-faceted issue that needs large consistencies rather than small perfections. It’s a complicated subject that needs system change rather than consumer blame; even if that system is just a lil’ old uni in NZ. And it’s a convoluted topic that needs someone who’s not afraid to spit straight facts.
I already have a fair few missions in mind but I’m more than happy to have a yarn and hear any ideas you want to throw out there. Hit me with that vote, team <3
p.s. I study chemical engineering if anyone cares? xoxo
POOLE, Felix

Nominator: Samuel Snell
Seconders: George Barton, Emma Rogers
Kia Ora my name is Felix Poole and I’m running to be AUSA campaigns officer for 2020. I’m a 3rd year communications and Law student. The role of AUSA campaigns officer is to run engaging exciting and inclusive campaigns for the various AUSA initiatives. I have been involved with the student body for a quite a while running clubs, volunteering and going to AUSA’s boring AGM’s so that they reach quorum. If there is one thing UoA is missing its a sense of student community.
Coming up to 2020 one of the campaigns officers most important jobs will be encouraging the student body to vote so young people are better heard and represented in the 2020 election and referendum. I promise this campaign will be energetic and entertaining. It’s gonna be a year full of debates dirty politics and empty promises. I hope you will vote for me for AUSA Campaigns officer 2020.

Nominator: Wei Heng Pok
Seconders: Adam Yeo, Ahmed Alassafi
Maria here! This year I am running for the International Students’ Officer! Why? Because our fees are getting sucked into a black hole of bureaucracy, never to be seen again. And I want answers! How about you?
International students make up almost 20% of this university. We are the ones feeding UoA our thick paychecks so that they can run and advertise itself as a diverse community, but what do we get in exchange?
Lack of financial support – most scholarships are targeted for NZ residents.
Lack of mental health support – making counselling free is not enough to ensure that students are okay. Most of us come from a background, where English is not a mother tongue – so what’s the point in counselling when we can’t express our feelings fully?
Lack of accommodation options – more than 8,000 international students have to survive in the Auckland house crisis, whereas how many of us get accepted into Halls and Residences?
In other words, I have lots to say and lots to change! It’s time to embrace the fact that International students are the ones keeping this uni going, so it’s about time we demand what we deserve!

Nominator: Alex Norvill
Seconders: Adam Willcock, Annabelle Wilkinson
Kia ora Whānau! I’m Tejas and this is my dealio. I was raised predominantly in Singapore and as a result of that, spent a lot of time surrounded by an incredibly diverse societal fabric. Much like Auckland, Singapore is home to a plethora of ethnicities as a result of which I was fortunate enough to get exposed to an array of cultures from a relatively young age. That journey towards cultural awareness however has only continued in my time at the University of Auckland. Thanks to the various cultural clubs in our university, I have been able to attend various events to gain an unique insight into the heritage of these countries. I have also held leadership positions in such clubs and as ISO my aim is to help facilitate collaborations between clubs both cultural and otherwise to provide avenues for increased social interaction and awareness thereby making our massive student body more inclusive than ever before. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here as an international student. This opportunity will allow me to do my part to ensure that my fellow international students feel the same way through their academic journey and perhaps beyond, here in Auckland.

Nominator: George Barton
Seconders: Samuel Snell, Cameron Trought
As QRO, I’d like to improve awareness of Queerspace and other supports for the Rainbow Community. I have experience as treasurer of UniQ, so I am keen to hit the ground running. Furthermore, I feel that I would be a strong advocate in that I am passionate about equality and acceptance. I was recently elected in the by-election for this role, and I am keen to extend this to a longer term. Ten out of ten dentists recommend – Victoria for QRO!