AUSA is proud to bring you the following services...

Sometimes we all need someone to support us. AUSA Advocacy offers free support, advice and information to students. Our Advocacy service is professional and confidential. We are 100% independent from the University, which means the advice we provide will always be in your best interest. Find out more here.
Buddy Programme
The AUSA International Buddy Programme was created to help ease the transition for new international students adjusting to the kiwi culture. The programme is FREE, FUN and held each semester for new international students. All that is required is your commitment to the program! You can volunteer with the programme or sign up to get a buddy.

Class Reps
Student representation exists at all levels throughout the University. The majority of this representation is coordinated through the AUSA Education Vice President and Class Representation Manager. They ensure that students are represented at every level possible at the University. They make sure that representatives are elected, organise and carry out training for representatives and provide ongoing support for ALL representatives. Find out more here.
It’s our privilege to deliver New Zealand’s largest university events. Come across something sensational happening on campus? Odds are we’re involved!
We take your time with us seriously and will ensure an array of events to cater to the diverse audience here at the University of Auckland. We are constantly working on the next event to enhance your university experience. From daytime social events to memorable quizzes, pop up arcades to international artists selling out Spark Arena. We strive to do our best for you!
Check out the events page and follow our socials to be the first in the know.

95bFM is an independent radio station located on the University of Auckland city campus. They've been broadcasting since 1969, making us New Zealand's oldest corporate-free broadcaster. They're dedicated to providing a voice for alternative music and independent journalism from Tāmaki Makaurau and beyond. 95bFM is primarily run by volunteers so if you'd like to get involved then check out their Volunteer at 95bFM page.
Craccum Magazine
Craccum is a student-led, independent weekly publication funded by the Auckland University Students’ Association. Founded in 1927 by the Auckland University College Men’s Common Room Committee, the magazine focuses on voicing the thoughts and opinions of students and covers all manners of topics and issues, including news, politics, and arts and culture.
Craccum is distributed weekly on the University of Auckland City campus and to the Grafton and Epsom campuses. You can pick up a copy for free at any of 30+ locations or find out more at Craccum.co.nz.

ubiq is the fresh, new brand of University Bookshop Ltd, or you may have known them better as UBS. For over 50 years they have proudly traded as UBS and grown from a small shop on the University of Auckland campus to New Zealand's leading academic store. they are the most trusted source of reading material in New Zealand from individuals, SME's and large multinationals to Government departments. Ubiq is your university bookshop on campus.
Shadows: Your student bar
Commonly known as ‘Shads’, our student bar is your go-to-place to have a drink and a yarn. Unlike most places on campus, Shads actually does student prices. Grab a jug of the iconic Shadows Beer or the most affordable, quality, coffee on campus. If cocktails are more your thing, try out one of their signature Jam Jar cocktails, or ask the bartenders to fix you a classic.
Shadows is also host to UoA clubs events, from Pub Quizzes to Beer Pong, even hosting a live set from Katchafire for Māori Day 2022.
If you've got an event you want to host, or just want to book a table for your mates, hit up their events planners, events@shadows.co.nz
Even better news if you're an AUSA Member, just show your AUSA stamp to get special discounts.

Queerspace is a safe space for queer students on campus (although non-queer students are welcomed – we're not exclusionary!). Located above the shops in the Atrium, on the opposite side to Womenspace, Queerspace has couches, tables, a microwave, and the Queer Rights Officer's office. Information about support as well as free condoms and sanitary products are available from Queerspace.
Pop in and say hi, or email our Queer Rights Officer at qro@ausa.org.nz
Womenspace welcomes all students who identify as women. It’s run by AUSA’s Womens’ Rights Officers, who are elected members on AUSA’s Executive. Womenspaces has oodles of pamphlets, free condoms, sanitary products, lollies, and a kitchen (with microwaves!). We also have a long list of community groups and contacts that we can refer you to if you’re in need of some more specialised assistance – and always a hug and a chat if you need it!
Email our Womens’ Rights Officers at wro@ausa.org.nz if you have any questions or want advice about who to ask for help.

Affliated Services
Cultural Space/O Langi Atea Moana
Kia Ora, Talofa, Bula Vinaka, Kia Orana, Si’oto’ofa, Faka lofa lahi atu. The Auckland University Pacific Islands Students’ Association A.U.P.I.S.A. was established in 1997. We are the association that represents the Pacific Student Body at The University of Auckland. We support affiliated Pacific Island Cultural groups & facilitate study and educational events for Pasifika. We are independent from AUSA but have a fantastic working partnership with thw unique position because of the Pacific Island Students’ Officer. This portfolio as an executive member with both AUPISA and AUSA was created so that AUSA and AUPISA can better work together to create a Pasifika friendly environment at University. We advocate and lobby for Pacific students and hold social events throughout the year. AUSA has given us a permanent home O Langi Atea Moana to help us serve Pacific Students. You can find us at Cultural Space on Level 4 of the Student Union Building.
Hineahuone, (also called Hine) is the Māori student common room on the city campus. Its place to study, relax, eat lunch, or just take in the best view on campus. Facilities include a fully equipped kitchen, study area, computer and printing facilities, balcony, and awesome artwork produced by our very own Elam art students. The Māori Student Officers and administration are also located here. The space is available for group bookings on weekends and evenings. If you have any queries come and see us. Hineahuone is located on the top floor of the Student Union Building, 34 Princes St, above the Bus Ticket Agency.