Independent Student Advice
Sometimes we all need someone to support us. Independent Student Advice offers free support, advice and information to students. Our Independent Student Advice service is professional and confidential. We are 100% independent from the University, which means the advice we provide will always be in your best interest. Find out more about our Independent Student Advice service here.
AUSA International Buddy Program
Are you a new international student at the University of Auckland? AUSA understands that the first month in NEW Zealand (pun intended) may be overwhelming for you. There is a lot of paperwork you have to complete, homesickness engulfs you at times, and some uniquely Kiwi customs may seem perplexing to you. Having experienced this journey, an AUSA Buddy can help ease you into UoA and Kiwi life. Find an AUSA Buddy here.
Within each Department there are Class Representatives or Year Representatives. The student reps have two major roles to fulfil. Firstly they are advocates for the class or year they represent. This means they help mediate solutions to problems that affect their fellow students. Their second role is to be a member of the department SSCCs or Staff Student Consultative Committees... Find out more about the Class Rep system here.
Class Reps
Additional Avenues of Assistance
- The University of Auckland Student Emergency Fund is open to all current students facing financial difficulties. See here for further information and to apply.
- Faculty-based Hardship Grants: Faculty of Arts Student Emergency Fund - The University of Auckland and EDSW Hardship Application (auckland.ac.nz)
- Campus Care is a free and confidential service to support students who may be facing additional barriers to their studies, including financial difficulties. To book a consultation with one of their case managers, make a self-referral through this link.
- ImPower's Financial Coaches are ready to listen to your concerns and help you develop a realistic plan to achieve your financial goals. Financial coach drop-ins - The University of Auckland.
- Use the Ministry of Social Development’s eligibility checker to see if you are getting all the government assistance for which you qualify.
- Food Aid/Parcels: A directory of organisations offering food assistance can be found here.
- For advice on other University issues such as academic misconduct or complaints and dispute resolution, AUSA Advocacy offers advice and information about your rights and responsibilities. You can email me if you have any queries about this.
- For advice on issues external to the University, Community Law offers free legal advice. You can consult their manual for accessible information around most common issues, or contact your nearest Community Law Centre office.
- If you are a domestic student, it would be good to access all resources from StudyLink such as Student Allowance - StudyLink, Student Loan living costs(interest-free), and one-shot student Loancourse-related costs every semester.
- Student Safety and Wellbeing Resources: A resource handbook of all different student safety and wellbeing services you can reach to, including national, local, and university-level services contacts and/or links. You can also scan QR code to send your feedback about your experience of and general enquiries about safety and wellbeing while studying at our Uni.
- Campus Sexual Assault Survivors Handbook: A resource intended to provide basic information in regards to sexual assault.
Support for students experiencing family violence: If you’re affected by family violence by someone such as a partner, family member or flatmate, we can help. Contact AUSA Advocacy, the Welfare Vice-President at welfare@ausa.org.nz; the Women’s Rights Officers at wro@ausa.org.nz; or the Queer Rights Officer at qro@ausa.org.nz for more information about your options.
Our University can also provide formal support, including compassionate consideration and campus personal safety planning, for anyone on our campuses experiencing family violence. Check out the University’s Family Violence Project page.