The University of Auckland Senate established the Student Representative System and Staff-Student Consultative Committees at the University in 1968. The purpose of the Committees is to enable students to participate, with staff in the direction and activities of Departments, Faculties and Schools, facilitate greater communication between staff and students, and to identify and address areas of concern for students.
Every Department appoints a staff member to have primary responsibility for the class rep system within the Department. This involves organising two Student Staff Consultative Committee (SSCC) meetings a semester, sending out the agenda for these meetings to class reps and relevant staff, and distributing the minutes of each meeting to class reps and AUSA.
Below is a timeline to help staff responsible for administering the class rep system within a department. You can also grab a pdf copy here.
Department Responsibilities
- Ensuring all classes has a Class Rep in your Department/School. At least one Class Rep per paper is needed (maximum of two), including all postgraduate programmes.
- Supplying the Class Representation Manager with names and contact details of your class reps. Please email studentvoice@ausa.org.nz for the online form.
- Organising the Staff Student Consultative Committee (SSCC) meetings. These are usually held twice per semester and include attendance from Department/School staff members and the Class Reps.
- Making sure the minutes of the SSCC meetings are forwarded to the Class Representation Manager (studentvoice@ausa.org.nz)
- That two of the Class Reps (one undergraduate and one postgraduate) for your Department/School also sits on the Faculty SSCC.
- Active roles in steps are highlighted in BOLD CAPITALS
- Deadline for registration is the Wednesday in week two of the semester. The Class Representation Manager would manage the Google drive and give access to GSAs to filter the google sheet to retrieve the information for their subject areas.
- Larger classes may require more than one class rep (maximum of two). Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses with less than five students do not need a class rep.
- Postgraduate reps include taught masters/ honours and PhD students.
Before Semester Starts
The Auckland University Students’ Association CLASS REPRESENTATION MANAGER announces the call for class reps (postgraduate reps included). Emails Group Service Administrators at least two weeks before the semester starts. Included in the email: Class rep powerpoint slides, AUSA official class rep handbook, and Training information and other supporting documents.- GROUP SERVICE ADMINISTRATORS email the lecturers all the relevant class rep documents and ask the LECTURERS to email back with the following information: Class rep name, University email address, and Course code.
Semester Begins
GROUP SERVICE ADMINISTRATORS receive the class rep information from the lecturers either through CANVAS or paper form. GROUP SERVICE ADMINISTRATORS collate all the class rep email addresses and emails the class rep the Student-Staff Consultative Committee meeting times. The elected class rep details are put up on CANVAS by the LECTURER.End of Second Week
GROUP SERVICE ADMINISTRATORS fills the online class rep registration form to ensure accuracy of information. The form data is collected onto a Google sheet accessible by the group service administrators. If the timeline is missed, the class rep will potentially miss out on training held in week three.Week Three
Class rep training. Towards the end of week three, the CLASS REPRESENTATION MANAGER will make contact with the class reps who miss out on training.Quarterly
GROUP SERVICE ADMINISTRATORS work with the Student-Staff Consultative Committee (SSCC) members in their department/discipline area to prepare the agenda and finalise the minutes. These minutes are then sent to studentvoice@ausa.org.nz.