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General Class Rep Questions
1Will the class reps be involved with lecturers and other staff?
Yes, as a class rep, you will be given the opportunity to talk with your lecturer and even course coordinator to voice out the class' concerns and suggestions.
2What is the role of a class rep?
The key role of a class rep is to facilitate communication between the university staff and the students of a course. You communicate with both your cohort and relevant staff on any items that are of importance, for example, unfair assignment grading.
3Are you expected to help classmates with assignment related questions?
No, you are not required to do that. Please refer them to the course lecturer or course tutors if your classmates have any assignment related questions.
4How much work does being a student rep entail?
The role is very flexible. However, it is compulsory for you to attend training and SSCC meetings, both of which should take up no more than 4 hours a semester. You will also need to regularly keep in contact with both your peers and course staff. There is also an e-voice diary to be completed which should not take longer than an hour of your time fortnightly.
5What if I’m not a confident speaker, can I still put up my hand to represent my peers?
Yes! It’s not a problem because it is possible to interact with your peers through email or Facebook. Just make sure that people are aware of your contact details, and that you are open to receive feedback anytime. However a certain amount of speaking at meetings is required for this role.
6Will I receive any training as a class rep and is it necessary to attend the training?
Yes. Class Rep training is usually in week three and it is compulsory. The Class Rep Manager will contact you with additional information once you have registered through the online registration form.
7What do I need to do to be eligible for a Class Rep certificate?
Eligibility is assessed based on: completion of Canvas training modules; completion of three e-Voice diaries per semester; attendance of two SSCC meetings and one FSSCC if appointed.
8What are Class Representatives responsible for?
Class Representatives are responsible for:
• completing the Class Representation registration form
• completing training
• facilitating communication between staff and students in relation to course matters and class-wide issues
• ensuring that class members are given opportunities to provide feedback for Staff-Student Consultative meetings
• completing the e-Voice Diary
• raising any class members’ feedback and issues to their lecturer or course coordinator, and where appropriate, at the academic unit SSCC meetings, as well as reporting back to students
• referring students with individual grievances to AUSA Advocacy.
9More tips and advice?
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Role-related Questions
1How to be an effective class representative while performing academically well?
Communication is key in order to be an effective class representative. At the same time it is crucial that you are able to manage your time well. With that being said, being a class rep does not require an intensive workload.
2What happens if people aren't contacting me with issues as often as I think they should?
Communication is key. You need to be able to facilitate conversation using whichever medium you prefer. However, students not contacting you could potentially be a sign that the course is running smoothly.
3As a class rep, do I need to be actively interacting with every student from the course?
No this is not necessary. Running polls and feedback forms would be a good indicator of the students’ opinion. But it is good to go in front of the class before the start of a lecture and gather a general consensus every so often.
4Do you need to attend class often to be a class rep?
It is strongly recommended. This means you are able to physically see what’s happening in class and also be available to talk to classmates if they need it. Being a familiar face in class will be helpful for students to come forward to you with any problems, feedback or questions.
5If a student went up to you and told you about their personal issue or issues outside of your responsibilities, what should you do?
Briefly listen to their problem and then accordingly, refer them to your lecturer, course coordinator, Health and Counselling or AUSA Advocacy. Do not attempt to handle the issue as it is not part of a class reps’ responsibility.
6Can I be a class rep for two classes?
Yes! However, students are not allowed to represent more than two courses per academic term.
7Who is the first point of contact whenever you have a class rep related issue?
Your first point of contact should be your lecturer. For bigger issues contact your Course Coordinator or, alternatively contact the Student Voice Office at AUSA (classrep.enquiries@ausa.org.nz).
8How often do you have to speak to your peers?
As many times as you feel is appropriate.
9Can you be a class-rep while offshore?
Yes! Just make sure you can attend your faculty SSCC meetings virtually, and that you fulfil all relevant duties.
Feedback-related Questions
1How can I effectively collect feedback from students through online platforms?
As class rep, you have the freedom to choose what social platforms you use for collecting feedback. While we suggest creating a Facebook group, other platforms like Instagram and Discord are also viable options. Within these platforms, online feedback forms like Google Forms can be created and shared. It is usually more effective to ask open-ended questions about how the students are finding the course rather than creating polls or multiple choice option type questions on such a feedback form.
2How often should I collect feedback from my class?
Check in on your class at least weekly. It is however essential that you collect feedback at least a week before the scheduled Departmental SSCC Meetings.
3How can you go about collecting feedback?
Learning to elicit feedback is a skill you learn while undertaking the role of a class rep. Potential ways in which you can go about eliciting feedback is by holding a class discussion before or after a lecture, sending out anonymous surveys (get your lecturer to help share the link on CANVAS), getting students to write their opinion on pieces of paper at the start of the lecture and collecting it at the end. Also directly approaching classmates after the lecture and asking for their opinion works very well.
4Who do I go to if I have any course-related feedback?
The lecturer first for any teaching and learning related issues arising from the course. For bigger course issues, you can talk to the course coordinator. If it is still unable to be solved (or if it ended up being solved) raise the issue at the SSCC Meetings and then contact AUSA for further resolution. In particular, you can contact the Class Rep Manager or the Education Vice President. Also, ensure to write it in the e-voice diary so that the Student Voice Office is aware of the issues.
5What is the most effective way of gathering feedback for smaller papers?
Requesting 5-10 minutes from your lecturer to stand in front of the class and physically ask for feedback; for smaller papers, digital forms often do not get sufficient response to be worthwhile.
6What if the other class rep and I do not agree with some of the feedback we have received?
Check the sample size of the feedback. Additionally, if you know who provided the feedback, you can ask them for more information so that you can better understand their viewpoint. You can also directly ask the class about the feedback and try to gather a consensus from there. If the feedback is frequent, you should still raise it to your lecturer.
7What do you do when your class doesn't give any feedback?
Learning to elicit feedback is a skill you learn while undertaking the role of a class rep. Potential ways in which you can go about eliciting feedback is by holding a class discussion before or after a lecture, sending out anonymous surveys (get your lecturer to help share the link on CANVAS), getting students to write their opinion on pieces of paper at the start of the lecture and collecting it at the end.
8Do I need to create a Facebook Group for my class to collect feedback?
No, you do not need to, but many students find the page very useful, especially when the class rep posts things such as the location of assistance rooms, lecturer office hours and reminders of due dates.
9How do I collect feedback from my class?
There are many ways Class Reps can go about collecting feedback from their class, e.g., from using Google forms, Facebook polls, email etc. For the most part, how it is done is usually up to the Class Rep themselves, and we encourage them to get creative with their methods! However, we understand some reps may be uncertain on feedback collection. Therefore, it is recommended Class Reps take into account these possible areas of concern:
(a) How are students finding the course content & outline?
(b) How are students feeling about how content is delivered by the lecturer?
(c) What are the student’s thoughts on assessments/tests or exams?
(d) What improvements may your peers have regarding aspects of the course?
(e) What are the thoughts surrounding Canvas layouts and operations?
E-voice Diary Questions
1What is an e-Voice diary? Do I need to record my voice?
The e-Voice Diary is an online form which Class Reps complete three times per quarter/semester.
2Why is it important for me to complete the e-voice diary?
The e-Voice diary is the best way for AUSA to gather information about how university courses are running and collate this information to present to the university—simply put, it’s the best way for us to see where we need to facilitate change! We rely on Class Reps to communicate this information to us, which is why it is so important that you fill out the e-Voice Diary when the time comes.
SSCC/Faculty Meetings Questions
1What are SSCC Meetings?
SSCC stands for Staff Student Consultative Committee. There are the Departmental SSCC meetings and the Faculty SSCC meetings. Class reps are required to attend the Departmental SSCC meetings. At the Departmental SSCC meetings, one or two representatives will be elected to attend the Faculty SSCC meetings which runs the same way as a Departmental SSCC meeting. In both meetings, a chair and secretary will be present (both of which will be staff members) to facilitate and record notes from the meeting. In this meeting, class reps will take turns orally presenting any course feedback worth reporting. Any feedback, questions or concerns relating to the course you represent should have been collected prior to the SSCC Meeting.
2How will I know when and where the SSCC meeting is?
Someone from the relevant department/faculty will contact you with details for the meeting prior to it being held. Alternatively, please visit your school reception for more information.
3In the case of having multiple reps do all reps need to attend the SSCC meetings?
All reps will need to attend the meeting. It is part of your responsibility as a class rep. All courses should have a maximum of 2 class reps. Ensure both of you are on the same page when presenting your feedback.
4What happens if I am unable to attend an SSCC Meeting?
If you can't make the meetings, you must email the person in charge at least a day before the meeting. Send your apologies as to why you are not able to attend the meeting and send in the course feedback that you have gathered. Remember, all feedback is valuable even if you cannot be physically present to explain it.
5When and where are SSCC meetings held?
SSCC meetings are up to individual departments to hold, so their time and location vary depending on the department. Contact your course co-ordinator or your head of department to find out the details about yours. If you are lucky, it might be updated on the University SSCC Website (accessible through your university login details).
Lecturer-related Questions
1What are the most effective ways to facilitate dialogue between students and lecturers?
Anonymous surveys and polls work well in being able to gather feedback. Students tend to feel less pressured that way. Standing in front of lectures and holding an open discussion without the lecturers is also a good option, particularly if the class is on the smaller side. Also directly approaching classmates after the lecture and asking for their opinion directly works very well.
2How should I engage with the teaching staff?
If your course mates have relayed to you issues pertaining to the course, don't be afraid to make time to talk to the lecturer or tutors. It is your job to provide them with emergent feedback, and they know this. They will be receptive. Ensure you do not provide your own personal opinion on the matter as it potentially puts you at a disadvantage now that the anonymity is lifted.
3Will being a class rep create conflict between you and the lecturer?
Absolutely not! And in the case that this does happen, ensure that you email us at classrep.enquiries@ausa.org.nz . Lecturers’ in fact value class reps that are able to voice concerns on issues that impact the quality of their course.
4What is the best way to approach lecturers?
By email as it keeps things professional. But by all means you are allowed to personally approach lecturers to discuss any suggestions or feedback that you have gathered from the class.
5Are the teachers open to feedback/friendly?
Yes! The lecturers and course coordinators are all exceptionally friendly and very keen for feedback and course improvements.
Reward-related Question
1What are the benefits of being a class rep?
It’s very rewarding to volunteer your time to serve others! Provided you have met all the requirements, you have the opportunity to request a certificate of achievement and a reference letter at the end of the semester. You can also use your time as a class rep to enter the University of Auckland Co-Curricular Recognition Programme. This could lead to you graduating with a University of Auckland Distinguished Graduate Award. We’d love to have you join the team!