Special General Meeting Notice
March 28, 2019Nominations for 2019 EVP
May 14, 2019We’re making a NEW AUSA and a NEW AUSA needs a NEW CONSTITUTION
The AUSA Constitution is AUSA’s most important document. It establishes what AUSA is for, and what powers we have to serve students. The current AUSA Constitution is both remarkably out of date and no longer fit for purpose – its long, is missing really important provisions, and is confusing to read.
That’s why the AUSA Executive have proposed a completely new Constitution to repeal and replace the current one which we hope to adopt at a Special General Meeting on the 12th April 2019, the last day of Semester before Mid-Sem. The changes are long so we’ve summarised them all in a Notice which you can read but generally this Constitution:
• creates a Student Council of Faculty Associations and Representative Groups to advise AUSA,
• an Advisory Board to make sure AUSA is making the right decisions financially and legally, and
• tidies up several processes (like General Meetings, Elections and Referenda).
If you have any thoughts in relation to the document, send them through to George, our Education Vice-President at evp@ausa.org.nz or come into AUSA House to discuss in person.