Engage with students at New Zealand’s leading University. Build long-term loyalty and connect with our influential youth market through a range of marketing opportunities.
We work closely with you to deliver solutions which help meet your objectives and budget. We also offer bespoke packages that can include sponsorship focused on events, programs and competitions.
Contact Details
EMAIL advertising@ausa.org.nz
Key Statistics
Students Enrollments
Domestic Students
International Students
Study Level
Age 18 or less
Age 19-20
Age 21-23
Age 24-29
Age 30-39
Age 40+

CRACCUM Magazine is New Zealand’s largest and most influential tertiary publication.
Being the official magazine of University of Auckland students, distribution is free and via the online reader, available whenever and wherever needed.
For nearly 95 years, our publication has had a style which is independent yet challenging and forthright. While retaining its sense of humour, CRACCUM explores issues relevant to students and youth culture, covering everything from politics and current events, to artistic pieces and reviews. It also has up-to-date University of Auckland specific content.
2023 will special release editions with UBUNTU celebrating International Students and KATE during AUSA’s Suffrage Week.
CRACCUM is the ideal platform to advertise and promote to an ever-growing tertiary market. Our team will work with you on how to best engage with a tertiary audience of over 40,000, being ether in print or digitally.
Facebook and Instagram are still the best source of communication and the most powerful tools in marketing.
These platforms give you direct access to our followers and allow you to target key groups for ultimate reach.
With a combined audience of over 32,000 followers, let us promote and gain the interest of our students on your behalf.
Social Media
Scheduled fortnightly during lecture times, our email newsletters are sent directly to the AUSA membership database.
Containing relevant news, information, and event announcements, these allow you to keep students up to date and what’s really important while studying.
Your placement links directly to the supplied landing site to give you true ROI reporting.
Event Partnership
2023 is an exciting year for the events team after several years of postponements and cancellations.
Feb 27Orientation Festival
March 1Orientation Concert
March 13Environmental Week
April 3Pride Week
May 8International Week
July 17ReOrientation Festival
July 31Sports Week
August 21Politics Week
September 18Suffrage Week
October 20Class of 2023