1 Introduction
The University of Auckland Senate established staff-Student Consultative Committees at the University in 1968. The purpose of the Committees is to provide a formal means by which students can have their voice heard in Departmental, Faculty and University matters. Staff-Student Consultative Committees recognise and endorse the partnership between staff and students of the University of Auckland in achieving high quality research, teaching and learning and student life.
All Departments, Faculties and teaching units are required to participate in the Staff-Student Consultative Committee system. This system is based on a Class Representative System.
AUSA is required by its contract with the University to facilitate the student representative system.
2 Aims and Objectives of Class Representative System
2.1 To enable and encourage students to participate with staff in the direction, and activities of Departments, Faculties and other teaching units with a view to enhancing the student academic and social experience.
2.2 To facilitate greater communication between staff and students.
2.3 To identify and address areas of concern to students.
3 Departmental Staff-Student Consultative Committees
3.1 Every Department shall constitute a Departmental Staff-Student Consultative Committee (SSCC).
3.2 Every Department shall appoint a Class Representative Co-ordinator (CRCo) to have primary responsibility for the Class Representative system within the Department including: the running of Staff Student Consultative Committees, development of a system of student representation which best reflects the organisation of courses within that Department and promoting this system to staff and students.
3.3 The CRCo should be an academic staff member (an administrative staff member or students’ association may assist, but not be solely responsible), of sufficient seniority to promote the principle of a student voice to other departmental staff and with a strong interest in student matters.
3.4 Training and resources (handbooks, newsletters, website, certificates, class party funding) are available through a central University office for distribution through the CRCo. However, Departments may also develop their own training and resources.
Departmental Staff Student Consultative Committee: Terms of Reference
3.5 To discuss the teaching and learning and other activities of the Department that involve and are of interest to students.
3.6 To consider and act on departmental issues of concern to students.
3.7 To share information about Departmental activities that involve and are of interest to students.
3.8 To elect one undergraduate and one postgraduate student (and alternates) to a Faculty SSCC.
Departmental Staff Student Consultative Committee: Membership
3.9 The CRCo is responsible for developing a system of student representation to SSCCs that best reflects the organisation of courses within that Department, taking into account the following:-
a) That student membership of the SSCC be drawn from as many diverse groups as possible including classes, years, taught postgraduate students, research students, Maori students, etc;
b) That as far as possible, student representatives should be elected by a ballot among their peers.
3.10 That staff membership of the SSCC be nominated by a Departmental meeting and include the Head of Department and the CRCo. Staff representatives should not be in the majority on the Committee.
3.11 Only student members may vote for student representatives to the Faculty SSCC.
Staff Student Consultative Committee: Meetings
3.12 The SSCC should meet a minimum of twice every semester. It is considered that three meetings a semester will lead to a more effective class representative system within departments and is therefore recommended.
3.13 The Chair of the Committee should be elected from within and by the members of the SSCC.
3.14 The SSCC may consider whether the first part of each subsequent SSCC meeting may usefully be a “student-only” time (chaired by a student).
3.15 The agendas of meetings shall be posted on Departmental noticeboards and in other appropriate places used by the Department at least one week before the date of a meeting of the SSCC.
3.16 The agenda should include the following standard items:
- Report back on issues raised at previous departmental SSCCs, including any discussion of Departmental SSCC business at Faculty SSCC or Faculty Board.
- HOD’s briefing.
- Issues of concern from student representatives. This may take the form of a brief report from each student representative present or be issue based
- Reports on matters of relevance to students from Departmental Committees
3.17 The unconfirmed minutes of an SSCC meeting (as approved by the Chair) should be posted on Departmental noticeboards and other appropriate places within one week of the meeting.
3.18 The Chair may determine whether students or staff members of the Department may attend SSCC meetings as observers.
3.19 The minutes of Departmental SSCC meetings should be a standing item on the agenda of the Faculty SSCC. The Chairs of Departmental SSCCs should submit an annual report to the Faculty SSCC.
4 Faculty Staff-Student Consultative Committees
4.1 Every Faculty shall constitute a Faculty Staff Student Consultative Committee (Faculty SSCC).
4.2 Faculties shall appoint a Faculty SSCC Co-ordinator (FCo) to have primary responsibility for the Class Representative system at Faculty level including the running and promotion of Faculty Staff Student Consultative Committees (including diversity of membership and the timing Faculty SSCC meetings), and the induction of student representatives to Faculty SSCCs and to Faculty committees.
4.3 The FCo shall be an academic staff member of sufficient seniority to promote the principle of a student voice to other Faculty staff and with a strong interest in student matters.
4.4 Training and resources will be available through a central University office for distribution through the FCo. However, Faculties may also develop their own training and resources particularly in regard to individual Faculty committees.
Faculty Staff Student Consultative Committee: Terms of Reference
4.5 To draw together students from each Department or teaching unit to a central Faculty forum.
4.6 To consider and act on issues arising from Departmental SSCCs.
4.7 To consider and act on Faculty issues of concern to students.
4.8 To share information on matters and activities which involve and are of interest to students.
4.9 To elect student representatives to appropriate Faculty committees.
Faculty Staff Student Consultative Committee: Membership
4.10 One undergraduate and one postgraduate representative from each department (elected from Departmental SSCCs)
4.11 Up to two representatives from any approved (as determined by the Faculty SSCC) Faculty student association.
4.12 Membership to reflect as far as possible the diversity of the student population as to gender, ethnicity and to respect the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.
4.13 Staff membership of Faculty SSCC shall be nominated by the Faculty Board and include either the Dean of Faculty and/or any other Dean responsible for students. Staff representatives should not be in the majority.
Faculty Staff Student Consultative Committee: Meetings
4.14 The Faculty SSCC should meet a minimum of twice every semester
4.15 The Chair shall be elected from within and by the members of the SSCC.
4.16 The Faculty SSCC may consider that the first part of each meeting be a “student-only” time during which only student members may attend (chaired by a student Chair.)
4.17 The agenda shall be sent personally to all staff and student representatives and to the AUSA WAVE office, and be placed on a central Faculty Noticeboard accessible to students, at least one week before the date of a meeting of the Faculty SSCC.
4.18 The agenda should include the following standard items:
- Minutes from Departmental SSCCs.
- Report on discussion of Faculty SSCC business at Faculty Board.
- Dean’s briefing
- Reports on matters of relevance to students from Faculty Committees
- Issues of concern from student representatives.
4.19 The unconfirmed minutes of a Faculty SSCC meeting (as approved by the Chair) should be sent personally to all staff and student representatives, to the AUSA WAVE office and be placed on a central Faculty Noticeboard accessible to students, within one week of the meeting.
4.20 The Chair may determine whether students or staff members of the Faculty may attend SSCC meetings as observers.
4.21 The minutes of any Faculty SSCC should be a standing item on the agenda of the Faculty Board (or equivalent). The Chair of Faculty SSCCs should submit an annual report to the Faculty Board which is to be included in the Faculty Report.
4.22 The minutes of every Faculty SSCC meeting are to be forwarded to Student Affairs Committee.